Enough Bcksha !!

Enough Bcksha !!
Enough Bcksha !!
Enough Bcksha !!

I read in a recent newspaper story about an Arab company for the pharmaceutical industry to produce a drug for kidney failure, according to the news that this drug will be put soon in stores and it has been contracted with the two states, the Congo and Sudan to export the medicine to them, was

stopped at the news despite the lack of a specialized or scientific the affairs of Medicine and Pharmacy for several general reasons can be summarized in the following points:
First, not read by the world that there is to discover a drug for the treatment of patients with kidney failure, but that I know that these patients need to wash their blood filtered by their bodies (urea) at a rate of up to three times a week which is costly financially and health ask God to appoint those patients them, and bless them pay patient who, when afflicted with calamity, they say: Allah and to him we return, and the second solution is to sow their kidneys intact through complex processes, some succeed and some fail to medical reasons known to them drugs to prevent the body's rejection to convince him to accept the transplanted failure 0.0 5 0 0 10/8/2004 1150 1 24/6/1425 Okaz_Daily read in a recent newspaper story about an Arab company for the pharmaceutical industry to produce a drug for kidney failure, according to the news that this drug will be put on the market soon, and that he had been hired two states Congo and Sudan to export the medicine to them, was stopped at the news despite the lack of a specialized or scientific affairs of Medicine and Pharmacy for several general reasons can be summarized in the following points:
First, not read by the world that there is to discover a drug for the treatment of patients with kidney failure, but that I know that these patients need to wash their blood filtered by their bodies (urea) at a rate of up to three times a week which is costly financially and health ask God to appoint those patients them, and bless them pay patient who, when afflicted with calamity, they say: Allah and to him we return, and the second solution is to sow their kidneys intact through complex processes, some succeed and some fail to medical reasons known to them drugs to prevent the body's rejection to convince him to accept the implant failure, if was intended drug product is a prodrug for patients with kidney failure on dialysis and its complications is not said to have been the discovery of a drug for the treatment of kidney failure, but accurately therapeutic areas of medicine identifies even the ordinary reader does not fancy it in front of a new medical open !!
Second, the matter of choosing the Congo and Sudan to test the drug on the population brings us back to the tragedy of a doctor named (Mohammed Shafiq), who claimed one day that he had discovered a cure for AIDS and did not find is the Congo to conduct experiments on the population of the poor patients destitute under the government of Mobutu Sese Seko, the corrupt, and even tempted those government to accept medication called a name symbolically make it to the first name of the Congolese president and his name initials is fired on the name of the medicine (mM mm) !! The result was that perished patients who received treatment and fled (Doctor of his time!) Before he was arrested and tried by the Medical Association in his country and his name removed and he died anguish Farah and rested and perhaps not yet Ash?!
If the producer of the drug, which treats kidney failure and self-confident, why choose the Congo and Sudan, where disease, misery and ignorance and human loss in many areas, and why testing is not conducted on their children first and then make sure the medication record globally, and then you could have to sell it to those who want and boasted that it has achieved medically universally deserved the Nobel Prize for Medicine, but this (Bakh) who tell us by newspapers late morning it (Baksh) no more, no less, and more pretenders in this time who claim they can cure all diseases and possibly lowered drugs on the market, as did a doctor Arabic claimed to have invented a cure for diabetes appeared devastating side effects I took the Ministry of Health warns against use of the drug after it has been filled with true market him and arrived annoyed moan of his victims!
Third, the primary motivation for the allegations made by individuals or Arab institutions, to achieve medical achievements fake, is a physical defended pure hasty and pursue fame and false glory, and encouraged them to continue (Bkchehem) but the lack of deterrent penalties for those who discovers his command and Bkhh, has already that took place the process of planting the womb have not been before in the world, which have outdone medical achievements tens of years, has not been achieved for the process of any conditions for conducting a medical potential side congenital her legitimate or legal side has warned organizers of the process and called for the wait to be sure of the existence of those conditions, but they did not pay attention to one and are concerned about achieving a medical achievement is not based on a scientific thoughtful and the owner of the matter based on propaganda and pictures of a memorial, and then appeared to everyone that the process is a failure because it is based on rush has offered the lives of the two women donor uterus and donated her great risk, Phanzoy medical team and immortalized into silence, but no one did not ask them what they have done, it is no wonder that others vaunted appears in every time and place!?

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