Medical edifices fall ...

Medical edifices fall ...
Medical edifices fall ...

Medical edifices fall ...

May breathe through this title seeks to cause harm and says sarcastically, whether in Saudi Arabia medical edifices even fall ?! Bala will not be thrown to the forks scattered in question hated ... but baptized retain the title as it is probably also safe from the hands of those who stood lookout to allow him to post the aim of the confrontation, then it is open title did not specify where ramshackle edifices ... so why not at least tell me what?
The other team likes haphazardly charges against those who wrote it will claim I'm trying to demolish all medical achievements such a title, and this allegedly found Mkhrv the achievement bright as the sun can not palm regardless of the ability to move her fingers and expression to prevent the golden rays !.
Out today about this subject Molovi what was done long time ago to write about the remnants of terrorism and defeat the terrorists and the causes of extremism and violence in and out of the security and the outgrowth of our children wound sons of the homeland! What is the subject of such a relationship with those topics that have raised the ire of some, and avoided other, and introduced me which other, Lna for which some and some! The relationship is the people! General targeted people stab terrorism and targeted with a barrage achievements.
People Chlamydia national, her clothing, and sitting in the national houses modest, interested only live peacefully find shelter and housing, treatment and education, the most basic human rights of his dignity and belongs to a wealthy community ... If touched terrorism fear or anxiety or panic or mourn or dazzle ... remain to relate to the homeland through direct services in peace and suffering, and the most important thing people are interested health, medical service, which does not satisfy people's demand does not elevate them deliberately to transform their patients and escorts to their patients and the patients on the bad, and the citizens Aldhamaren and non Aldhamaren to equipped fraught with frustration and oppression and the desire packs change ready to surrender for the first promised to change conditions even if the promise on the back of a fragment! And do not even find Almchaion armed chance Serve the people's health, and persuaded the minds and mouths fed and blocked evil corrected outlets towards them! Everything else can be tolerated on the health compromised, however, calculated on living life and you are in the grip of pain !.
It is not known the value of wellness only faced death face to face with a cruel moment had not reckoned with an account! When caught on your neck pain Gorge would not wish at that moment precious treasure as much as you wish oxygen tube !.
And tribulations difficult learned if you do not kill us ... and perhaps the most beautiful in the ordeal hand extends to you through the darkness to Tefie light and hope and love around you in such is God's blessings on the beleaguered while test him in the calamity, then spared him a man carried with him find him if others slept or missed others or others wriggle! He finds affection and containment of the Sabra and lap and warmer and cohesion !.
It is my belief that the terminally ill of their cases afford their reality more whenever they found caregivers in distress if research studies submitted by measuring the effects of the disease on those who feel lonely and introverted and who find Alones companion for experience has proved that a human being with human being is equal to life, and that man alone death alive, and patients who find mates and loved ones more responsive to treatment than others deprived !.
From here if we can not stand by patients no less than to offer them health service they deserve without it, neither favors nor embarrassment! When I was writing this speech pitched News Bushra composition of the health services (12) members, and as usual in such as the composition of these boards citizen does not know what are the intended targets of the Council? What strategy planned? What means taken to achieve its objectives? So just Bishara news but details of the unseen is not right to know the citizen, and from my point of view it is time to eliminate blackout on news style although it is a beautiful story! Except that the role of these councils as if honoring honorees shine bright ... and give them a chance to Itbuua all media image space! As it often includes administrative leaders in the same field of health Service Board means the collection of the famous hospital administrators and outspoken over Berwaz themes in it! The question of who is a citizen of the Board referred to? They will say all of its members are citizens! Yes, all of them Saudis ... but this is a reservoir of illness in the interpretation of the concept of Saudization, where it is interpreted the Saudi set and enough while it is not sufficient honorary interface where the user Saudis, this is a foregone conclusion importantly to express what ?! What exactly is his role? What is the effectiveness of the task entrusted to him? Then an innocent question whether across the board for all areas of Saudi Arabia? Or is it the discretion to honor prominent in high-profile areas! And above their responsibilities to bear the responsibility of the Council and bite tightly, as if we do not have is these busy to occupy again !.
In any case presumably with all the news of the establishment clarify the Council is required by the Board and the quality of its services and its objectives and means until it is judged on its validity in the public interest because we are in a national stage assume dealing with minds conscious available in every sector and every place of our land good away from the trend towards the ignorant people or not trust their perceptions and awareness. In my opinion, Personal Health Service Board could result in a more effective role if it looked beyond the first row in prominent hospitals means tried to vaccinate his choosing, for example, the third administrative grade, or senior experienced doctors or consultants working within their clinics regularly stuck with patients and know their problems, and so on. As for reducing the roles and precisely fitted to managers who are already in the interface type of rotation around the problem and not a serious attempt to solve !.
If we look at the reality of the health service is not new to say that the medical edifices not only upright Barakazatan basic humans and equipment, and achieve success for their roles through the first two roads funding and spending and the second the quality of health service provided to the 
In Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia unfair denial of human numbers working in the medical profession growth are on the increase if we compare where we are Balbdayat confined to the introduction of human efficiency from other countries even if they were not efficient! Just to fill the vacancy in professions needed by the health service.
Today the situation is totally disagree and the number of Saudis fit for ostentation them in front of the world, but from my point of view the Saudi doctor specifically seeks to career position illustrious than seeking to innovative excellence in the performance of his medical career, most of them are now dependent on their personal relationships to gain access to leadership positions gleaming thus far distance between the Saudi doctor and get international awards such as the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine! If this half-truth to say that the Saudi Vncefha other medical climate created this tight situation to the position in the medical professions practices Why ?! Because what is to shine a doctor in his field until his appointment as director of the hospital where he works as if its proper recognition as a doctor to be a director! Most of the administrative leaders came from its core functions as doctors wanted in their specialties !.
This is in addition to the media spotlight focuses on the leaderboard and looking for hardworking! Unfortunately, that is not necessarily every successful director of a successful doctor and on the other hand, the prevailing uncertainty in the medical climate led to the emergence of types of Saudi doctors. Type suffers from a sense of grandeur, and the type of suffering from a sense of oppression and frustration and everything in between so watery kind that is necessary as a necessity of water but exercised his elaborate mechanism not they have a non-attendance in a timely manner whenever possible, and the latter to understand the soft experience category that belonged for the job and is still without experience make them take a position for or against. There is no doubt there are persistent type, but is not expected to advance as far as waiting for a smile to the lips of the patient! This environment demolishes medical edifices of buildings equipped! Is it enough to be a hospital building or city ?! Return to reality can be asked the following question: If the Ministry of Health was established in 1370 e 1951, and then followed in the nineties Hijra others to provide medical services such as the National Guard, the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, and Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Higher Education and the King Faisal Specialist Hospital, the light of this how many major hospitals operating in the capital such as Riyadh?!.
The reality of the situation says after thirteen Minister of Health by Dr. Hamad Al Mana, it has other cuff after budgets were at a time, focusing on the health sector and not on other sectors and give generously to exceed one-third of the overall budget after all of this in Riyadh large hospital and one became very humility affiliated with the Ministry of Health is what he called recently (medical complex) and there is no specialized hospital refers to the specialization superior in practice, but if we consider chest Diseases Hospital, which specialized groaning or psychiatric dark upon Hospital Hospital specialist !.
The King Fahd Medical City, it is our duty at this moment to pay tribute to the current health minister who did not do what his predecessors ... how many times in the past years, announces the opening of this hospital and then folded into oblivion news that Dr. Mana came in less than three months after Altozar the hospital was operating !
Is this enough after all this age, these stages? If we are in front of the reality confirms that a healthy harvest was not commensurate with planting seeds! And sowed did not satisfy the needs of capital and how this capital receives from the various regions of the Kingdom of all categories of patients, including those in need of medical attention for his broken hip or pelvis! What remained of public hospitals in areas serviced just limited curative and preventive more atrophy numbers Where draws citizen neutral feeling of security if the people who are the people the nation and its people and its people is it!?.
Where the General Medical Education under the shade of the Ministries of Health from 1370 e? Where hospitals and health centers working right and Hakiq and not just numbers? Where is the current health center just a chance to get a transfer to the nearest hospital for failing to provide the necessary examination of the patient to radiation or require planning or radiography CT ?! It is the most basic medical procedures, medical Srouhna has succeeded Yes in providing vaccinations polio, meningitis and otherwise Look around you there is a problem in the public health service and he inherited the current minister over the years accumulate, while third-party medical hospitals made extraordinary efforts in some specialized areas, however arguably the technical and medical slack crawls to the loss of viable successfully ... such as atrophy of the spirit of a collaborative team in diagnosis and treatment, such as the isolated administration associated with their betterment through decisions only and not field knowledge, and like judging the performance through personal relationships than is the reality of work and production and, like the lack of clear regulation advertiser, and the lack of the spirit of proactive and honor the efforts and not the people and so on of the crippling ailments that made, for example, a hospital such as the Specialist in the flaccid state makes the patient Muqtadir aimed Public him to the ground no regrets as long as the medical issue turned to the issue of reviewing and ostentation and limit the type of personal revenge! The hospitals in the National Guard if we pointed out to the King Fahd Hospital in Riyadh as a measure must be equitable mention the role of Dr. Fahad Al-Jabbar although he scooped Donna from other doctors who have assumed management positions won the largest number of opponents and detractors of his style, but he laid the foundations of the hospital McKenna live the smell of the current administration, which is not enough reliance on the famous physician, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabiah known that he found himself strongly as director of light and the speed of sound! But it is the right place where pediatric surgeon, and the hospital of the armed forces his will gradually eased administrative dispersion and the lack of qualified medical excellence and the inability to develop performance and management & Materials! The university hospitals Such as do the orphan! It is a shame not to kindness orphan !.
The solutions ...? And how the confrontation with the future? Today show ... On the last detail! Thank I say it honestly and gratitude for several individual doctors and their grandmother in the Specialist Hospital and the King Fahd Hospital, the security forces ... who were with the arduous journey from despair to hope the arms of humanity does not forget ... I will never forget them ... and another pause! And me greeting and peace.

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