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The discovery of an effective drug in the treatment of avian influenza
Scientific tests have shown that a drug used in the treatment of influenza has shown effectiveness in the fight against avian flu spread in Asia. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia tested the drug called Relenza on a sample of the H5N1 virus, which killed 

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22 people in Asia and infected millions of chickens. During the tests, the drug showed great effectiveness in stopping the multiplication of the avian flu virus, the same role it plays with other strains of the virus. Relenza was introduced on the world market in 1999. The drug is based on the discovery by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization that there is a small sector on the surface of the influenza virus that does not change in different breeds. Relenza works by disrupting the work of proteins on the surface of this part of the virus Therefore, the number of the virus can not be doubled. The drug proved that it could prevent the transmission of influenza to about 80 percent of the cases. It also showed efficacy in reducing the symptoms of infection in infected people. Another drug called Tamiflu was developed later on the same research, Real estate manufacturers Initial clinical trials have also shown that they are effective in fighting the avian influenza virus, and no human-to-human transmission has been recorded, but health experts worry that if the virus is integrated into the human influenza strain, a mutated version of the virus could result. Are transmitted from one person to another, posing a major threat, and all people who have died of the virus have been infected by direct infected birds so far.
The current strategy to prevent further spread of the virus and to threaten human life is to get rid of millions of chickens on farms and Asian markets, and the results shown by our experiments show that the drug is effective in controlling avian influenza in the laboratory and how important this discovery is. Effectiveness of Relenza in the treatment of people with avian influenza.

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