Peanuts threaten the lives of children

Peanuts threaten the lives of children !!

We often hear about food allergies and that some people can not eat eggs or milk for example because they are allergic to it. Many people complain of food problems in their babies and are allergic to it, although the real food allergies are relatively rare.
Recent statistics indicate that food allergies have increased in recent years. Scientists attributed the increase to new food products and increased use of food additives to environmental factors such as increased environmental pollution and the use of chemicals in agriculture.
What is the reality of food allergies, and what are their symptoms and effects on children? What foods can children feel?

Allergy or intolerance:
In fact, there are two main terms that are highly confusing: food intolerance and food allergies, and the main difference between these two conditions is the nature of the body's reaction to food.

Food Intolerance:
It is the inability of the body to tolerate a certain food and the occurrence of undesirable effects such as diarrhea and vomiting when eating this food, and result from the inability of the body to digest and represent the food intake, often because of enzymatic deficiency such as lactose intolerance caused by the absence of lactase enzyme Essential for the metabolism of lactose sugar. Food intolerance may be caused by contamination of food with germs and toxins or containing certain substances that are drug-effective.

Food Allergy Food Allergy:
It is a special type of food intolerance and is considered an immune reaction caused by a strong interaction between the antigen (usually a food protein) and antibody. This reaction contributes to the release of histamine responsible for most clinical manifestations.

How sensitive is the food?
The prevalence of food allergies in infants is more than that of adults, which is high in children with dermatitis. The prevalence varies according to different studies and ranges from 4 to 20%. As mentioned, recent statistics indicate an increase in the prevalence of food allergies. In France, More than twice as many as five years ago.

What foods cause allergies?
There are a large number of foods that may cause allergies, but the most common of these foods are cow's milk, eggs and peanut peanuts. These three foods make up 75% of allergy foods, and other foods are soy, walnuts, fish, oysters, chicken and wheat.

Cow milk intolerance Cow Mlik Intilerance:
This condition is seen in young infants and has a prevalence rate of about 1 - 50%. It is seen in males more than females and is common in families where allergic diseases are common (asthma and atopic dermatitis)
1 - digestive symptoms are the main symptoms usually where the child occurs in diarrhea and vomiting, agitation and colic which may be severe, and may occur with time malabsorption and failure of growth and digestive bleeding.
2 - Skin symptoms such as dermatitis, urticaria and eczema.
3 - respiratory manifestations (asthma - rhinitis).
This condition disappears in 50% of the cases around the age of the year and most of the rest will be cured within two years.
The occurrence of symptoms is associated with the amount of milk consumed by the child, and may be able to bear the child's small amounts of milk.
Dehydration of cow's milk from food leads to the disappearance of symptoms. In some cases, cow's milk protein may be passed through mother's milk (if the mother has taken cow's milk) and the removal of cow's milk from the mother's diet in this case causes the child to decline symptoms.

Allergy to peanuts:
Allergy to peanuts may be serious and lead to a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylactic Shock, which can be deadly if not treated quickly. Allergy is characterized by difficulty breathing, edema, hypotension and shock. This condition can occur within minutes of the sensitive substance, but this condition is rare. and thank God.
Allergy to peanuts lasts a lifetime as opposed to the sensitivity to other foods that can usually go away with time. It is important to note that peanut oil is widely used and may sometimes contain part of the sensitive protein, so it should also be avoided.

Allergies to food additives:
There are many industrial substances that may be added to food products manufactured to save or give them certain flavors, and may cause these allergies sometimes, and is attributed to excessive amounts of behavioral disorders in children and these substances Tartarazine (E102) Tartrazine and benzoic acid (E210) These substances can trigger asthma attacks and chronic urticaria in children.

The diagnosis depends largely on the detailed story, and the reaction that always occurs after eating a particular food and does not happen with others or at another time of good evidence of the sensitivity of this food usually clinical examination usually only if the child reviewed the case of allergic shock, Diagnosis is what we call the food challenge test. Food that is believed to be allergic to the child's food is canceled. After clinical improvement after 2 weeks, this food is usually returned again. If symptoms reappear, this indicates the diagnosis. Carries a certain gravity (s D) sometimes causes severe allergic shock). Therefore, it is performed only under medical supervision, and the doctor alone decides when and how to administer the test. Other diagnostic tests may be used by the doctor in some cases:
1 - Skin tests (tingling test - scratching).
2 - Measure the level of lgE (artificial globulin sensitivity) in the serum.
3. Bowel biopsy.

the cure
There is no cure for the lack of food, and the main measure is to avoid allergenic food, and this needs to change the daily routine in the family and efforts of parents to apply this issue.
In fact, the decision to prevent food is dependent on several factors: the severity of the relapse of the food and the extent of confirmation of the diagnosis in addition to other conditions for each case related to parents and the patient.
Parental education is the basis of management and must also include patient education (if appropriate) and school staff (administration and teachers).

1) Food allergies can lead to a serious life-threatening condition, namely, allergic shock.
2) Allergy to peanuts may last a lifetime but the sensitivity to other foods may go away with time.
3) There are no special medicines that cure food allergies.
4) The only prevention of food allergies is to avoid food allergens and the only treatment is to control the symptoms after they occur.
5) Sensitivity to food disappears in 90% of cases at the age of 3 years.
6) It is generally recommended that, when a positive family sense story exists, the pregnant mother avoids peanut-rich foods and delayed the introduction of various foods and egg whites into the child's food beyond the age of the year, all aimed at reducing the risk of developing food allergies in the infant.

Dr.. Emad Mohammed Zoukar
Pediatrician - Department of school health for boys in Riyadh
Director of the school health unit in Harimla

89%Of medical errors committed by expatriate doctors

Modern medical statistics reveal that 80 percent of medical errors are committed by private hospitals while government hospitals commit the remaining errors. The increase in the percentage of medical errors in private hospitals attributed to the presence of a large number of expatriate doctors, which the same statistics confirmed that 89% of these errors occurred at their hands and 11% by Saudi doctors in hospitals in Jeddah. According to statistics issued by the Ministry of Health, the ministry receives 40 thousand medical complaints annually, 20% of them medical errors and complications, and that 
Medical errors are constantly located in public or private hospitals
Medical errors are constantly falling in public or private hospitals without finding anyone to stop them or prevent their recurrence. Every day we hear a complaint here and a complaint there without reaching a situation ...

there are about 1476 cases considered by the competent committees in the Kingdom in just 3 years. It confirmed that 280 medical facilities were closed during the same period. In Jeddah alone, 142 cases were referred to medical committees, 85% of which occurred in hospitals and community clinics. In the city poll, many citizens considered that the private hospitals were behind the financial gain only among the most prominent reasons for the high rate of medical errors. They called for the formation of committees to look into this percentage. A number of doctors confirmed that the inefficiency of most expatriate doctors is the cause of the problem. The Ministry of Health has confirmed the existence of committees to test the doctors expatriates before contracting to eliminate the increasing proportion of medical errors. (City) discussed the issue and the reasons for the rise of medical errors in hospitals, civil and government. In the beginning, the young man says: I was complaining about the presence of some prominent pills on my nose, which appear frequently from one clinic to another. I read about the arrival of a professor at one of the famous beauty centers. I was hoping to find the treatment and I actually met the doctor. Operations have reached amounts to about 35 thousand riyals were made and did not improve the situation promised and I was the operation again and became worse than the previous did not receive from the distortion or loss. One of the citizens says that his wife entered a private hospital in Taif and paid the money to stop her bleeding. It turns out that the doctor performed a procedure for his wife and removed the uterus without our notice. The other story happened to the aggressive lieutenant in a private hospital in Jeddah, he was admitted to the hospital for a simple operation and as a result of anesthesia errors came out of the hospital

Carried on the shoulders to the grave. Pain and suffering There is a story happened to a citizen who went to his wife to a private hospital in the province of Jeddah to remove the flesh from the nose and overdose of anesthesia was eliminated brain cells and became a woman in a coma permanently and transferred to a government hospital to complete the rest of her life does not know what is going on and remains her husband And her children are the heartbreak of the mother and the suffering. One of the ladies went to a private hospital in one of the provinces to carry out the process of removing the white water. The operation was unsuccessful and the eye turned into a mere member who did not benefit from it after she completely lost her vision. "We should note that there is a problem in carrying out surgical operations. There are operations that can not be performed during the course of an outbreak or in public hospitals, but what we see is that these hospitals are being operated by private hospitals," said Mohammed Jibril. Operations without controls and all for the purpose of material profit only and therefore must be the existence of oversight committees on medical facilities civil. "I think that the list issued by the Ministry of Health almost two years ago, under which the prohibition of the opening of private clinics except for doctors had a big role in this, where doctors used the process and began to open dozens of clinics scattered here and there and can not stand on the work Which led to mistakes being made in the absence of negligence. The Ministry of Health was supposed to retreat from this condition and leave the freedom of businessmen to open and follow up medical activities themselves. Mohammed al-Thaqafi believes that the increase in the percentage of medical errors in the medical medical sectors due to multiple reasons, including the lack of expertise in some facilities and the importance of more material income. Profit: "The increase in medical errors in hospitals and private clinics may be due to the keenness of these facilities on the material side more than anything else and therefore they are keen to reduce costs, which leads to errors due to the indulgence in bringing medical machines or cadres distinguished Always care On the lowest wage holders, whether in the medical, nursing or technical fields. Doctors' opinions have had multiple opinions on this matter. Dr. Khaled Hosawi, a consultant in the field of dermatology and gynecology, said: "The subject needs a broad discussion because it is very important and it is important to a large segment of people, whether residents or citizens. I think that there are several reasons, including but not limited to the following: 1- Urge hospitals and clinics in the results of treatment through the doctors to treat the disease of any of the latter and non-gradual. 2 - The keenness of some hospitals and medical centers to reduce costs by bringing doctors with low salaries and those little experience and their levels do not rise to the required level. 3 - Lack of attention to medical devices such as intensive care departments and operations, which contributes to the increase in errors, especially during operations. 4 - not to bring medical teams distinguished such as nursing and technicians in the field of anesthesia and others. 5. Conduct operations in circumstances that are not appropriate, such as the possibility of complications and otherwise and solutions. He added: In my opinion, it is necessary for the Health Specialties Authority to conduct annual examinations for all doctors working in the private sector as well as technicians to evaluate their levels of operation periodically, in addition to the formation of committees of people

Experiences from consultants to find out all the national centers and hospitals on an annual basis to ascertain their contents and the extent of care for the requirements of medical safety. The reasons for the error Dr. Abdullah Al-Nafiie says that medical errors have reasons, especially in the medical sector, with the failure to deny the efforts of this sector in order to provide a comprehensive health service, but the concern for material gain I think the main reason for increasing errors because the concern for material gain actually leads to bring medical staff is well qualified due to low salaries and thus increasing medical errors dramatically. Reducing costs Dr. Khaled Al-Abboud believes that the main reason for the increase in medical errors in the medical sector is the fact that it is only because there is a concern to reduce costs in those facilities, doctors and medical staff are brought in cheaper prices than some countries, which is known that their medical staff is not good and therefore the mistakes may And I think that the care of cosmetic operations in particular have a big role in increasing errors and suggested first that the Health Specialties Authority intensify the practical and clinical examinations for all doctors of the civil sector and periodically and preferably every year or six months in order to know the fate S doctors and control provisions of these facilities and not tolerated completely because human health is very expensive and can not be in any way tolerated. Complications and Errors Dr. Abdulrahman al-Zahrani, Director of King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital Program, said: "We must distinguish between complications and errors. All operations have complications and errors occur as a result of negligence, whatever the causes, either about the increasing medical errors in the private sector, in the government sector. Dr. Mohammed Al-Shehri, Director of King Faisal Hospital in Taif, said that there are legitimate medical committees that will adjudicate any complaint against legal medical errors that will adjudicate any complaint against medical errors and once the committee has confirmed the existence of errors, it deals with them according to regulations Instructions. Health Opinion While Dr. Khalid bin Qasim Al Sumairi, Director of Health Affairs in Taif, said that there is strict control over any medical sector, whether private or governmental, and we stress these sites in order to reduce any error and management of medical licenses, which in turn. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Executive Affairs Dr. Mansour Al-Hawasi said: The medical error may occur because of lack of experience and rehabilitation or because of the stress of the practitioner if the working hours long and became clear these reasons through the statistics carried out by the ministry and is one of the reasons that lead to error, The Health Authority has been keen to send committees of Saudi consultant doctors to choose the workforce from outside the Kingdom. The Health Specialties Authority also classifies and equates medical certificates to all practitioners. The registration is repeated for all every 3 years. Practitioners.

Counterfeit drugs pose a serious threat to the lives of patients in the Middle East

Counterfeit drugs pose a serious threat to the lives of patients in the Middle East
Experts say the tradition of medicines in the Middle East has risen to high levels and has reached an 
end that could endanger the lives of patients.

Counterfeit drugs pose a serious threat to the lives of patients in the Middle East
Counterfeit drugs pose a serious threat to the lives of patients in the Middle East

The tradition of drugs in the past has not received much attention because it is seen as a problem that has had a major impact on Indian and Chinese markets, but the problem has spread throughout the world, affecting the lives of patients in the Middle East.
The tradition of drugs ranges from the illegal production of proprietary drugs to the production of counterfeit medicines. These practices have spread in recent months, partly because of the growing demand for ED drugs.
The consequences of taking antimicrobial drugs, many of which are made in unhealthy conditions and using dangerous or non-standard chemicals, are extremely detrimental to the health of the patient and are usually life-threatening. These drugs may lead to drug resistance, loss of confidence among patients, and doctors, pharmacists and other medical personnel.
The pharmaceutical industry, along with patients, has been severely affected by counterfeit drugs, with imitators trying to target commonly used prescription drugs, such as antibiotics and painkillers. Counterfeit medicines generally contain no more than baking soda or talcum powder, Sometimes on more hazardous substances, such as antifreeze. In the case of drugs that have an effect on the heart or blood pressure, the results may be fatal. In some cases, narcotic drugs were filled with distilled water or alcohol.
The distribution of unsafe drugs has increased significantly around the world, in light of the increased reports of patients receiving counterfeit drugs and taking them without knowledge. The casings of these medicines appear to be made with the quality and mastery of the original medicines. Counterfeit drug manufacturers imitate linear symbols, inner envelopes and even three-dimensional marks.
Patients recognize that prescription drugs are safe and effective. In many developed countries, drug-approved distribution systems have guaranteed a high degree of patient safety so far, although drug mimicking has quadrupled in recent years.
Various factors have contributed to the expansion of criminal counterfeiting activities, including the growing involvement in drug supply chains by unlicensed wholesalers and re-packaging agents, the flourishing of online pharmacies, and the movement of drug imports around the world.
Patients should consult with their doctors before changing their medication for whatever reasons they may need to change. Specific medicines for ED treatment may belong to the same category, and may have a different range of safety.

500 patients failed to queue annually

The growing numbers of people who need organ transplantation and the lack of the required organs are not a problem that is not limited to a country or region in itself. It is a global problem that affects most of the world, especially with the widespread spread of what has become today called diseases of the age, including diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Or neglected by some patients over time to require the transplantation of some organs such as kidney, liver, pancreas and others.
Dr. Faisal Abdul Rahim Shaheen, Director General of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation and Prince Salman Al-Khairi Center for Nephrology, said that 365 colleges are being cultured annually in the Kingdom.

500 patients failed to queue annually
500 patients failed to queue annually

He added that there are about 500 patients with renal failure annually enter the waiting lists, which reached more than seven thousand patients at the Saudi Center for organ transplantation, that is, the rate of increase in the number of patients amounted to 12%.
Revealed d. Shaheen dialysis center in King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah, where daily washing of 280-300 washing and the cost of dialysis per patient to 198 thousand riyals annually, and the dialysis machine serves seven patients in Jeddah and five in Riyadh and Jazan, which is alarming because it is supposed to The device is allocated to a number of patients ranging from 1-3 patients.
He continued d. Shaheen pointed out that the Saudi Center for organ transplantation has been able to do so far more than 1121 kidney transplantation of brain and living deaths, and studies conducted by the Center indicate that the survival rate of patients alive after kidney transplant of living relatives close to 97% after 3) Years and 90% for kidney transplantation of brain dead, and there are 13 centers for organ transplantation in the Kingdom.
And the long waiting periods in which the patient is on the waiting list for periods of up to years to get a college d. Shahin:
The length of the waiting period for the patient with renal failure to get a kidney from the center and therefore cultivation is a global problem not only in the Kingdom, but in all countries of the world, including America, and the center determines the priority of agriculture according to the health status of patients with priority to children and special medical cases, We have an urgent waiting list on which to distribute donated kidneys to different regions of the Kingdom.
And about the phenomenon of patients traveling abroad to get a college adds d. Shahin:
The phenomenon has begun to spread in recent years, but this phenomenon has many medical and economic consequences that can be avoided if the family of the patient understands the issue of kidney donation from the neighborhood relatives, where the results and success of operations abroad out of purchase by a very large, and there are 11 specialized centers for kidney transplant The centers are distributed in all regions of the Kingdom, and all these centers work in coordination with the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, which oversees the program in general, especially with regard to queues and access to donated kidneys and practice controls. Medical and Ethical Organ Transplantation in the Kingdom

Vitamins slow the spread of AIDS

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Experiments on African women living with HIV have shown that taking daily doses of a certain category of vitamins slows the growth of the virus in their bodies and 
reduces their risk of developing the disease by 50 percent.

Vitamins slow the spread of AIDS
Vitamins slow the spread of AIDS

The results of the test were published in the journal "New England Journal of Medicine" in which the trial authorities require the adoption of vitamin treatment for patients in developing countries, to delay the need for these drugs to treat the disease and be able to use exclusively for patients who are at an advanced stage of the disease.

"The cost of this treatment is low and it will help many people get a better life," according to the professor at the Harvard Institute of Health, Dr. Wafa Fawzi, according to the Associated Press.

But at the same time, he cautioned that HIV-treated drugs could in no way be substituted for these vitamins.

The test took 6 years during which doctors followed the health status of approximately 1,078 women carrying the virus. These women took daily doses of a group of vitamins in addition to vitamin A or this vitamin alone.

The test results showed that the virus grew in just 7 percent of those who followed the system, as well as less problems such as fatigue, diarrhea, mouth ulcers and a lower proportion of the virus in the blood.

According to researchers, eating a combination of vitamins can help strengthen the immune system and weaken the ability of the virus to grow and spread

Smarter children have less geriatric

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children with natural intelligence have a lower incidence of geriatric disease than ordinary children, according to a new study.
The study was conducted in 12 American cities on at least 50,000 babies, of whom at least 633 were 
followed for 30 to 39 years.
Smarter children have less geriatric

IQ tests were performed for babies when they were 7 years old. When they reached the age of 30, they were tested for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, strokes, infectious ulcers, hepatitis and tuberculosis. Several factors that played a role In IQ ratio such as human weight, economic status and social status.
IQ was found to reduce the proportion of all diseases regardless of sex or social group. Each 15-point increase in the intelligence scale reduced the rate of disease by a third.
The study also pointed out that the increase in the number of years of education has a role in reducing the proportion of diseases among adults, especially those with a higher education certificate.
Based on this study, scientists conclude that intelligence at a young age plays a prominent role in the prevention of critical diseases in adulthood.

Medical News ...

The discovery of an effective drug in the treatment of avian influenza
Scientific tests have shown that a drug used in the treatment of influenza has shown effectiveness in the fight against avian flu spread in Asia. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia tested the drug called Relenza on a sample of the H5N1 virus, which killed 

Get rid of colds and treat colds by traditional means
Get rid of colds and treat colds by traditional means

22 people in Asia and infected millions of chickens. During the tests, the drug showed great effectiveness in stopping the multiplication of the avian flu virus, the same role it plays with other strains of the virus. Relenza was introduced on the world market in 1999. The drug is based on the discovery by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization that there is a small sector on the surface of the influenza virus that does not change in different breeds. Relenza works by disrupting the work of proteins on the surface of this part of the virus Therefore, the number of the virus can not be doubled. The drug proved that it could prevent the transmission of influenza to about 80 percent of the cases. It also showed efficacy in reducing the symptoms of infection in infected people. Another drug called Tamiflu was developed later on the same research, Real estate manufacturers Initial clinical trials have also shown that they are effective in fighting the avian influenza virus, and no human-to-human transmission has been recorded, but health experts worry that if the virus is integrated into the human influenza strain, a mutated version of the virus could result. Are transmitted from one person to another, posing a major threat, and all people who have died of the virus have been infected by direct infected birds so far.
The current strategy to prevent further spread of the virus and to threaten human life is to get rid of millions of chickens on farms and Asian markets, and the results shown by our experiments show that the drug is effective in controlling avian influenza in the laboratory and how important this discovery is. Effectiveness of Relenza in the treatment of people with avian influenza.

Technique (Yazarov)

Yazarov technology is one of the most modern technologies with the best therapeutic effect, and has achieved high medical progress in the treatment of bone fractures worldwide. It has proved successful in treating many congenital and acquired cases with high effectiveness, in addition to its suitability for different age groups.
Especially since this technique is involved in the treatment of one of the most common diseases and injuries in the world, bone injuries. To learn more about the advantages of this technique, we conducted this dialogue with Dr. Amer Othman Beek, Consultant Orthopedic Center to inform us of the treatment solutions provided by the technology of Yazarov in the area of ​​bone malformations:
Treat millions of cases
Technique (Yazarov)
Technique (Yazarov

* Dr. Amer .. At the beginning we have a brief history about orthopedic technique (Alizarov).
Yazarov's orthopedic restoration is one of the most important branches of orthopedic surgery. It was developed by Dr. Geoffler A. Alizarov in 1951 and was attended by the American orthopedic surgeons who developed it in a better way. , And then spread this technique through them to all over the world, and through it to treat millions of cases that need this technology successfully, and despite the spread, but its presence and interest in the medical centers of the Third World, especially the Arab countries is very little.
Traditional methods fail
What are the actual uses of this technology?
The technique is widely used to treat all fractures, especially complex and intractable, which have failed traditional methods of treatment. This technique is a specialized branch in the treatment and orthodontics, so it requires sophisticated and skilled surgeons to use this technique, which is why it exists In particular medical centers. This technique is used in the use of external circular fixator for orthopedic repair, orthodontics, and correction of malformations. This technique offers therapeutic solutions for the most difficult bone problems, which include: short arm or leg length, , Treatment of bone curvature, treatment of congenital deformed or acquired limbs, treatment of bacterial bacterial disease, treatment of serious bone fractures, treatment of bone diseases resulting from inflammation or tumors of the process of fusion or adhesion of joints.
Treatment for adults and children
* Occurred bone malformations and injuries acquired in many cases, how to deal specifically with this technique?
Treatment options are available to adults and children, whether it is congenital malformation or acquired injury. This technique is used to prolong the limbs if the leg is short due to injury during growth, congenital causes and other causes of the limbs, Hormonal or structural or genetic causes, all these disorders can be treated with the technique of izarov.
Of course, this technique is applied to the affected bone area, and it is important not to forget to encourage the patient to walk after surgery.
Treatment of complex bone fractures
* Is this technique useful for fractures with extreme deformation and complexity?
The fractures that can not be cured are a common problem in developed countries, and the technique of izarov is an effective treatment method. All types of bone fractures and all ages can be treated. Complex fractures, especially open fractures and multiple fractures In the same bone), or the presence of fractures with the loss of some bones, and this applies to the deformities, whether congenital or acquired, or be a deformity or malformation of soft tissue, so that can treat the deformities of the feet and leg and limbs of any age.
Double bone elongation
* What are the causes of uneven height in the limbs? How far can it be treated?
- Causes are either congenital or congenital. Congenital defects are the length of the bones, and the unevenness of length may be due to acquired causes, such as infection, osteoporosis, pathological factors, or surgery resulting in bone growth During the growth and development, the technique can also extend the individual bone elongation, in addition to the elongation of the double bones in the same side injured at the same time, and elongation of two different bones of the two sides such as the femur in the tip and bone of the leg at the other end.
Treatment of Wrong bone healing
* Is this technique useful for cases of non-healing, which failed to heal by closed treatment methods such as gypsum or the use of normal orthopedic surgery?
- Yes, in addition to the possibility of taking advantage of this technique in the case of healing fracture of the bone in the wrong position, meaning that the greatness in a location other than its normal and has been healing, but with a deviation in the direction of grandeur in any of the three directions, unfortunately this problem is common In the countries of the third world as well as in the Arab countries, and if the fracture is not treated correctly and in a timely manner will be the problem of wrong healing, but it is effectively corrected by this technique, even if the deformity resulting from the wrong healing, which occurs due to improperly fix the bone Of direction, and be treated for The way of placing the tires and moving them with artificial hinges at the distorted end. The bone is broken by special technique. The deformity is gradually corrected in the direction of the bone. The bone is then corrected as any properly removed bone. The patient can carry weight on the floor and perform normal treatments during the healing process. .

The hearts of young smokers are more likely to have heart attacks

The hearts of young smokers are more likely to have heart attacks

The risk of smoking on the heart is increased by those who are under the age of five times than non-smokers.

Middle East Online
Paris - Although the risk of smoking on the heart is known, a recent study shows that this applies to a particular picture of smokers under 40 years of age, who are five times more likely than non-smokers to risk a non-fatal heart attack.

The hearts of young smokers are more likely to have heart attacks

Finland's epidemiologist Marco Mahonen and his colleagues, whose findings are published Tuesday in the British magazine Tobacco Control, warned.

The scientists adopted the findings of the monika study of cardiovascular disease between 1985 and 1995 under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), which included 7.2 million people in 21 countries. The study, "Monica", allowed more than 22,000 heart attacks to be found among 18,762 men and 4,047 women between the ages of 35 and 39.

Smokers accounted for 80 percent of those who had a heart attack.

Men aged 35-39 years were five times more likely than non-smokers to have a heart attack, while women increased by 5.3 times, the study found.

According to the study, smoking is the cause of about two-thirds (65%) non-fatal heart attacks in men aged 35-39 years and more than half (55%) in women of the same age group.

However, the authors of the study do not rule out that "genetic diseases" play a role in this regard, including the genetic imbalance known as "turning factor 5 Leiden" known to lead to blockage in the arteries.

"It is possible that the interaction between smoking and other factors - such as genetic disorders - has a significant role in the development of these heart attacks in young people," they wrote, adding that "many other factors may not be easy to address. Stop smoking may be the key to prevention. "

Grilled fish best foods for the heart

Grilled fish best foods for the heart

According to specialized researchers, grilled or roasted fish in the oven is better than frying in protecting the heart and preventing its diseases and irregular beatings, especially among the elderly.
The new study, conducted at Harvard Medical School in Boston, shows that older people who regularly eat grilled fish are less likely to have fatal heart disease, while fried fish, fillet sandwiches or burgers do not achieve the same benefits. Many studies have shown that eating fish reduces the risk of arrhythmia, a common condition known as atrial fibrillation which affects about 2 million Americans and is the main cause of strokes, and is caused by upper chambers of the heart rather than pumping blood regularly and effectively, Increases the risk of blood clots and clots within the heart muscle, and may lead to stroke if the stroke moved from the heart to the brain.
Grilled fish best foods for the heart
Grilled fish best foods for the heart

The researchers found that following the dietary habits of more than 4,000 people over the age of 65 who participated in cardiovascular and vascular studies in 1989 and 1990 for 12 years, and about 1,000 cases of atrial fibrillation, those who ate grilled fish were at less risk of infection Heart problems. In their study, published in the American Heart Association, they noted that the risk of heart attack in people who ate grilled fish once to four times a week was about 28 per cent lower, compared to 31 per cent of those who ate five or more servings per week , Compared to those who did not eat any type of fish for less than once a month.

These findings suggest that the regular consumption of fish such as salmon and other grilled or roasted fish may be the best and simplest way to prevent heart problems among older men and women because of its richness with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven effective in reducing the risk of fibrillation and irregularity Heart attacks, while the levels of these acids in the fry fish, which are often prepared from white fish such as sugar and beans instead of oil species Kaltona, sardines, salmon and mackerel, and increase the proportion of harmful fats in them.

Soft drinks increase the risk of asthma

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Certain foods contribute to or reduce the risk of severe asthma, according to a new study.
The researchers found that these foods may not necessarily be nutritional elements, but have proven effective in preventing asthma or reducing the frequency of attacks.

Do you still drink soft drinks? You will stop knowing these facts!

They identified the quality of foods eaten by a number of people with asthma, compared them with non-infected subjects, selected 25 nutrients and 47 food groups, monitored lung function, hyperactivity of the bronchus and other respiratory reactions of participants.

Experts noted that a particular group of foods affected an individual's asthma, such as whole-fat milk, butter, apples and pears, which reduced the chances of the disease and helped prevent it, while soft drinks, soda and cheese increased the risk significantly.

Food fiber relieves cough

If you are fed up with that cough and want a solution to it .. you should eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and soy .. This is recommended by scientists in Singapore after they found that fiber-rich foods relieve chronic respiratory symptoms, especially cough accompanied by sputum.
After studying more than 570 patients with acute cough with sputum and more than 44,000 patients with respiratory problems, researchers found that fruits such as apples, grapes and other fiber-rich fruits reduced cough and risk of infection, because the nutrients known as flavonoids help Relieve acute respiratory problems.

Dietary fiber may relieve symptoms of asthma
Dietary fiber may relieve symptoms of asthma

The study, published by the American Journal of Respiratory Medicine, showed that this effect was found in both smokers and nonsmokers. Dietary fiber and flavonoids in fruits and soybeans helped reduce respiratory disease severity and were therefore an important and vital factor in primary prevention strategies Of these diseases.

The phenomenon of infectious diseases

The phenomenon of infectious diseases worry about systems that fight nationally and globally

Last week, the world was re-imprisoned for fear of the unknown in the development of bird flu infection. Suddenly, health authorities in China, Vietnam and Hong Kong, where the contagious disease was still active, reported that the bird flu virus had first been discovered in wild animals. It appeared that all the measures taken by the countries, including the crematoria of disposing of millions of birds at once, did not succeed in placing the people on the safe shore. Yeah. The bird flu virus exists and develops, and may jump at any moment to become a new epidemic of human sex. Despite all the talk of scientific progress, the AIDS virus emerged in the late 20th century, killing millions of people and settling into the bodies of tens of millions of people. The mad cow virus then moved from herds to humans. He joined the list of communicable diseases, a disease that afflicts only a few people. The 21st century also began with SARS, which threatened to turn into a pandemic that kills millions. Bird flu is strongly associated with animals. Scientists are following the nightmare of becoming a human-infecting virus. On the other side of the picture, America is terrified of the "Valley of the Nile" virus, which in the last year of the last century has succeeded in reaching it. Infectious diseases, unexpectedly, have become a major concern for people across the globe.

Infectious diseases, causes and prevention, symptoms, risk factors, treatment
Infectious diseases, causes and prevention, symptoms, risk factors, treatment

Mix virus and economy

Hussain Abdel-Razzaq al-Jazairi, Regional Director of WHO in the Eastern Mediterranean, completes the list of concerns. "Last year, the yellow fever epidemic in southern Sudan, the outbreak of the Rift Valley fever in Egypt, and the spread of dengue fever in Yemen were reported, and isolated cases of hemmorhagic fevers were reported in a number of countries in the Region. A big problem in Somalia and the West Nile fever has emerged in Tunisia. " "The list of emergency infectious diseases in the Mediterranean region seems to have been reduced by the relative inadequacy of epidemiological surveillance systems ... some countries are deliberately blinding some epidemics," he said. "The SARS outbreak has caused enormous economic losses by applying strict sanitary rules at airports and harbors. Livestock exports from Somalia declined by 92 percent in 2000 due to the spread of Rift Valley fever, with a loss of nearly $ 120 million. "

The Ebola epidemic in Sudan and Zaire emerged in 1976 and 1979. The cholera epidemic was renewed, after experts long thought it was about to be eradicated. In 1993, the World Health Organization declared a medical emergency to renew the TB epidemic. The West Nile Valley virus is monitored in more than 30 states of the United States, as well as Morocco, Tunisia and Oman. Rift Valley fever is renewed in sub-Saharan Africa. It is known that he appeared in the seventies in Egypt and moved to Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt. Dengue's disease has also reappeared in Pakistan, Djibouti, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Yellow Fever was reported to have been renewed in southern Sudan.

Diphtheria has been hit for three years in Iraq. A wave of Leishmaniasis disease swept Iraq, Pakistan and Sudan. In 2001, 52,000 people in Britain were infected with Stophilococcus bacteria.

Causes of the return of infectious diseases

The strong return of infectious diseases is probably due to several factors. The phenomenon coincided with changes in human demography, that is, overcrowding. In the year 800, the population was 1 million. At the end of the twentieth century it became 6 billion. There has also been a change in human behavior. International trade and tourism also expanded. Today, humans can reach anywhere in the world in less than 36 hours. This speed requires mixing people, which facilitates the spread of diseases among them. "In Egypt, I saw a" taste "of China," said Zuhair Hallaj, representative of WHO's Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, "We have been fighting for polio for 20 years, and we are still fighting it by various means ... We have to be realistic. Epidemics and infectious diseases ".

He urges the promotion of cooperation between concerned ministries, non-governmental organizations and international organizations.

Diego Buryo, an expert at the World Health Organization (WHO), stresses that the fight against communicable diseases is a priority, accelerating the process of analyzing information about these diseases and spreading them rapidly in countries. The importance of building an informal system that collects information from various sources, such as NGOs and the media, is important. This system includes another system that reveals information based on rumors. And then distinguishes between correct information and vice versa. He also notes the importance of building a good management structure run by an experienced team, operating within a flexible system to obtain information from densely populated places such as sporting events and pilgrimage. He stresses the importance of training epidemiologists to support epidemiological efforts.

A global emergency response network has been built. The network monitored SARS and influenza patients.

This network collects information from both formal and informal sources. This information comes from United Nations partners such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF, NGOs, private laboratories and others.

He points to an international logistics mechanism that WHO is working to improve. It is housed in a store containing medicines and vaccines, to be delivered in the event of a pandemic wave anywhere in the world.

Boreo pointed out that there is a laboratory network currently working on training specialists in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Arab countries. It runs a training program in Jordan, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, which lasts for two years.

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Medical edifices fall ...

Medical edifices fall ...
Medical edifices fall ...

Medical edifices fall ...

May breathe through this title seeks to cause harm and says sarcastically, whether in Saudi Arabia medical edifices even fall ?! Bala will not be thrown to the forks scattered in question hated ... but baptized retain the title as it is probably also safe from the hands of those who stood lookout to allow him to post the aim of the confrontation, then it is open title did not specify where ramshackle edifices ... so why not at least tell me what?
The other team likes haphazardly charges against those who wrote it will claim I'm trying to demolish all medical achievements such a title, and this allegedly found Mkhrv the achievement bright as the sun can not palm regardless of the ability to move her fingers and expression to prevent the golden rays !.
Out today about this subject Molovi what was done long time ago to write about the remnants of terrorism and defeat the terrorists and the causes of extremism and violence in and out of the security and the outgrowth of our children wound sons of the homeland! What is the subject of such a relationship with those topics that have raised the ire of some, and avoided other, and introduced me which other, Lna for which some and some! The relationship is the people! General targeted people stab terrorism and targeted with a barrage achievements.
People Chlamydia national, her clothing, and sitting in the national houses modest, interested only live peacefully find shelter and housing, treatment and education, the most basic human rights of his dignity and belongs to a wealthy community ... If touched terrorism fear or anxiety or panic or mourn or dazzle ... remain to relate to the homeland through direct services in peace and suffering, and the most important thing people are interested health, medical service, which does not satisfy people's demand does not elevate them deliberately to transform their patients and escorts to their patients and the patients on the bad, and the citizens Aldhamaren and non Aldhamaren to equipped fraught with frustration and oppression and the desire packs change ready to surrender for the first promised to change conditions even if the promise on the back of a fragment! And do not even find Almchaion armed chance Serve the people's health, and persuaded the minds and mouths fed and blocked evil corrected outlets towards them! Everything else can be tolerated on the health compromised, however, calculated on living life and you are in the grip of pain !.
It is not known the value of wellness only faced death face to face with a cruel moment had not reckoned with an account! When caught on your neck pain Gorge would not wish at that moment precious treasure as much as you wish oxygen tube !.
And tribulations difficult learned if you do not kill us ... and perhaps the most beautiful in the ordeal hand extends to you through the darkness to Tefie light and hope and love around you in such is God's blessings on the beleaguered while test him in the calamity, then spared him a man carried with him find him if others slept or missed others or others wriggle! He finds affection and containment of the Sabra and lap and warmer and cohesion !.
It is my belief that the terminally ill of their cases afford their reality more whenever they found caregivers in distress if research studies submitted by measuring the effects of the disease on those who feel lonely and introverted and who find Alones companion for experience has proved that a human being with human being is equal to life, and that man alone death alive, and patients who find mates and loved ones more responsive to treatment than others deprived !.
From here if we can not stand by patients no less than to offer them health service they deserve without it, neither favors nor embarrassment! When I was writing this speech pitched News Bushra composition of the health services (12) members, and as usual in such as the composition of these boards citizen does not know what are the intended targets of the Council? What strategy planned? What means taken to achieve its objectives? So just Bishara news but details of the unseen is not right to know the citizen, and from my point of view it is time to eliminate blackout on news style although it is a beautiful story! Except that the role of these councils as if honoring honorees shine bright ... and give them a chance to Itbuua all media image space! As it often includes administrative leaders in the same field of health Service Board means the collection of the famous hospital administrators and outspoken over Berwaz themes in it! The question of who is a citizen of the Board referred to? They will say all of its members are citizens! Yes, all of them Saudis ... but this is a reservoir of illness in the interpretation of the concept of Saudization, where it is interpreted the Saudi set and enough while it is not sufficient honorary interface where the user Saudis, this is a foregone conclusion importantly to express what ?! What exactly is his role? What is the effectiveness of the task entrusted to him? Then an innocent question whether across the board for all areas of Saudi Arabia? Or is it the discretion to honor prominent in high-profile areas! And above their responsibilities to bear the responsibility of the Council and bite tightly, as if we do not have is these busy to occupy again !.
In any case presumably with all the news of the establishment clarify the Council is required by the Board and the quality of its services and its objectives and means until it is judged on its validity in the public interest because we are in a national stage assume dealing with minds conscious available in every sector and every place of our land good away from the trend towards the ignorant people or not trust their perceptions and awareness. In my opinion, Personal Health Service Board could result in a more effective role if it looked beyond the first row in prominent hospitals means tried to vaccinate his choosing, for example, the third administrative grade, or senior experienced doctors or consultants working within their clinics regularly stuck with patients and know their problems, and so on. As for reducing the roles and precisely fitted to managers who are already in the interface type of rotation around the problem and not a serious attempt to solve !.
If we look at the reality of the health service is not new to say that the medical edifices not only upright Barakazatan basic humans and equipment, and achieve success for their roles through the first two roads funding and spending and the second the quality of health service provided to the 
In Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia unfair denial of human numbers working in the medical profession growth are on the increase if we compare where we are Balbdayat confined to the introduction of human efficiency from other countries even if they were not efficient! Just to fill the vacancy in professions needed by the health service.
Today the situation is totally disagree and the number of Saudis fit for ostentation them in front of the world, but from my point of view the Saudi doctor specifically seeks to career position illustrious than seeking to innovative excellence in the performance of his medical career, most of them are now dependent on their personal relationships to gain access to leadership positions gleaming thus far distance between the Saudi doctor and get international awards such as the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine! If this half-truth to say that the Saudi Vncefha other medical climate created this tight situation to the position in the medical professions practices Why ?! Because what is to shine a doctor in his field until his appointment as director of the hospital where he works as if its proper recognition as a doctor to be a director! Most of the administrative leaders came from its core functions as doctors wanted in their specialties !.
This is in addition to the media spotlight focuses on the leaderboard and looking for hardworking! Unfortunately, that is not necessarily every successful director of a successful doctor and on the other hand, the prevailing uncertainty in the medical climate led to the emergence of types of Saudi doctors. Type suffers from a sense of grandeur, and the type of suffering from a sense of oppression and frustration and everything in between so watery kind that is necessary as a necessity of water but exercised his elaborate mechanism not they have a non-attendance in a timely manner whenever possible, and the latter to understand the soft experience category that belonged for the job and is still without experience make them take a position for or against. There is no doubt there are persistent type, but is not expected to advance as far as waiting for a smile to the lips of the patient! This environment demolishes medical edifices of buildings equipped! Is it enough to be a hospital building or city ?! Return to reality can be asked the following question: If the Ministry of Health was established in 1370 e 1951, and then followed in the nineties Hijra others to provide medical services such as the National Guard, the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, and Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Higher Education and the King Faisal Specialist Hospital, the light of this how many major hospitals operating in the capital such as Riyadh?!.
The reality of the situation says after thirteen Minister of Health by Dr. Hamad Al Mana, it has other cuff after budgets were at a time, focusing on the health sector and not on other sectors and give generously to exceed one-third of the overall budget after all of this in Riyadh large hospital and one became very humility affiliated with the Ministry of Health is what he called recently (medical complex) and there is no specialized hospital refers to the specialization superior in practice, but if we consider chest Diseases Hospital, which specialized groaning or psychiatric dark upon Hospital Hospital specialist !.
The King Fahd Medical City, it is our duty at this moment to pay tribute to the current health minister who did not do what his predecessors ... how many times in the past years, announces the opening of this hospital and then folded into oblivion news that Dr. Mana came in less than three months after Altozar the hospital was operating !
Is this enough after all this age, these stages? If we are in front of the reality confirms that a healthy harvest was not commensurate with planting seeds! And sowed did not satisfy the needs of capital and how this capital receives from the various regions of the Kingdom of all categories of patients, including those in need of medical attention for his broken hip or pelvis! What remained of public hospitals in areas serviced just limited curative and preventive more atrophy numbers Where draws citizen neutral feeling of security if the people who are the people the nation and its people and its people is it!?.
Where the General Medical Education under the shade of the Ministries of Health from 1370 e? Where hospitals and health centers working right and Hakiq and not just numbers? Where is the current health center just a chance to get a transfer to the nearest hospital for failing to provide the necessary examination of the patient to radiation or require planning or radiography CT ?! It is the most basic medical procedures, medical Srouhna has succeeded Yes in providing vaccinations polio, meningitis and otherwise Look around you there is a problem in the public health service and he inherited the current minister over the years accumulate, while third-party medical hospitals made extraordinary efforts in some specialized areas, however arguably the technical and medical slack crawls to the loss of viable successfully ... such as atrophy of the spirit of a collaborative team in diagnosis and treatment, such as the isolated administration associated with their betterment through decisions only and not field knowledge, and like judging the performance through personal relationships than is the reality of work and production and, like the lack of clear regulation advertiser, and the lack of the spirit of proactive and honor the efforts and not the people and so on of the crippling ailments that made, for example, a hospital such as the Specialist in the flaccid state makes the patient Muqtadir aimed Public him to the ground no regrets as long as the medical issue turned to the issue of reviewing and ostentation and limit the type of personal revenge! The hospitals in the National Guard if we pointed out to the King Fahd Hospital in Riyadh as a measure must be equitable mention the role of Dr. Fahad Al-Jabbar although he scooped Donna from other doctors who have assumed management positions won the largest number of opponents and detractors of his style, but he laid the foundations of the hospital McKenna live the smell of the current administration, which is not enough reliance on the famous physician, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabiah known that he found himself strongly as director of light and the speed of sound! But it is the right place where pediatric surgeon, and the hospital of the armed forces his will gradually eased administrative dispersion and the lack of qualified medical excellence and the inability to develop performance and management & Materials! The university hospitals Such as do the orphan! It is a shame not to kindness orphan !.
The solutions ...? And how the confrontation with the future? Today show ... On the last detail! Thank I say it honestly and gratitude for several individual doctors and their grandmother in the Specialist Hospital and the King Fahd Hospital, the security forces ... who were with the arduous journey from despair to hope the arms of humanity does not forget ... I will never forget them ... and another pause! And me greeting and peace.

Health "is 200 coach at the international statistical classification

Health "is 200 coach at the international statistical classification

Health "is 200 coach at the international statistical classification
Health "is 200 coach at the international statistical classification

General supervisor, said the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Health Jamal Alrjraja that his administration is currently implementing the preparation of trainers on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases programs (tenth revision) in coordination with the World Health Organization through joint bilateral of 2004-2005 m.
The program aims to promote the use of the rules of international rankings in all the hospitals and centers of the Ministry of Health through the implementation of 10 courses aimed at preparing 200 trainers in different regions of Saudi Arabia, entrusted them with the training of health professionals relationship of doctors, nurses, technicians, medical records, and others. He pointed out that the administration has implemented the first session in Medina during the period from 17 - 04.21.1425 e. It was provided Madinah volumes of the International Classification for all hospitals and health affairs sectors as well as the training manual and program Tendon for training on the computer.
He added that the administration is providing health information network, connecting 20 health region with the Office of the Ministry. The computer department of the ministry overseeing the implementation of networking for sixty hospital which facilitates the rapid exchange of information between sources and users.
And the work of the Statistics Department, said that the nature of the Department's work is characterized by following scientific methods and curricula that require follow the rules of the international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, "the tenth revision" approved by the World Health Organization, as well as follow the development of the global indicators.
Alrjraja He added that the Statistics Department oversees the technical network consists of 20 census areas directorates of Health Affairs and the provincial administration, provide them with substantive and technical support and training programs and continuing education and providing scientific periodicals and health bulletins.
He pointed to the Statistics Department issued several reports and statistical bulletins notably Statistical Yearbook, which includes data and indicators of health resources and services offered in the field of preventive and therapeutic bio-indicators showing the payoff of these resources and services.
Alrjraja explained that the Statistical Yearbook for the year 1422/1423 in press and in the final stages.
The administration has worked for more than six months to collect and check the statistical data book for the year 1423/1424 E have been completed more than 80% of the work leaving only some private health areas of the health sector data.
He said the deaths report hospitals and the Ministry of Health for five years from 1418 - 1422 AH will be issued within a few days, an important scientific report used the high global technology in terms of classification and accurate scientific data and methodology and automation software statistical analysis developed and will be issued annually and report deaths for the year 1423 in the final stages and is expected to release within two months.
He added that he has been put fully Statistical Yearbook as well as health indicators for 1422 and 1423 and 1424 on the ministry's website at thus been providing information on the clock for officials, planners, researchers and bodies, local and regional Atah.oeetmaz site data presentation is interesting and browsing speed.
Among Alrjraja that the statistical report for the departments of obstetrics and hospitals and the Ministry of Health in 1424 in the final stages, and the book includes six doors with supplements for maternity care services in primary health care centers and resources
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